Behind The Bike // Sheldon’s RCCLA RT-1d // The Cub House

Rapha Inspired, Cub House Built

Since we’re unable to visit our friends and customers in person for the foreseeable future, we’re starting a new series of blog posts to stay connected and build upon the relationships we have with our shops, our customers, and their bikes. Behind the Bike will feature Mosaic riders from around the world, a bit about their cycling story, their special bike, and the shop that made it all possible. This week, we’re kicking it off with Sheldon’s Rapha Cycling Club Los Angeles inspired RT-1d, built by The Cub House (@itsnotabikeshop).

A bit from Sheldon.I’m Sheldon and I’m the proud owner of this Mosaic RT-1d. My cycling journey started 13 years ago when I got a road bike to get fit while providing care for my mother who was recovering from surgery to remove a large brain tumor. I hadn’t ridden a bike since I was a kid so learning to ride a road bike was a real struggle. I kept at it and found myself becoming a regular on competitive group rides where I lived. Fast forward a bit, and I found myself exploring the rugged mountains surrounding Los Angeles. It’s a special thing, being able to ride into such beautiful and remote places that most people in LA don’t even know exist, and go flying back down into the second largest metro area in the country.


Why do you ride?

I ride because of the friendships I’ve made, the places I get to visit, and the mental & physical health benefits that sustain me. My main goal is to keep riding. I always say that the riders still getting out and putting in the miles at 50+ are my cycling heroes.

What’s your favorite ride?

My favorite ride starts on the sand in Santa Monica and goes up Sullivan Canyon, turning from pavement to dirt before it tops out on the ridge of the Santa Monica Mountains. It goes from one of the most famous beaches in the world, high into the mountains where there are almost no signs of civilization. It’s just beautiful.

Tell us a bit about your bike!

I chose the RT-1d because I wanted a light bike that rode beautifully and one that would last. Disc brakes allow me to keep up with current wheel technology and give me confidence on the dirt and steep descents that I encounter. The RT-1d has delivered everything that I could have wanted in a bicycle and more. It’s light, rides beautifully and power transfer is outstanding. I threw everything I had at the bike on the first ride, including long climbs, dirt descents, and even a flat-out pace line. The RT-1d handled it all superbly. In the future I’d like to race this bike at the Belgian Waffle Ride and climb Mt. Baldy and Gibraltar.

What’s the story on the finish work?

I had a blast helping brainstorm the paint scheme, logos, and lettering on my bike with the help of The Cub House and Mosaic. My family has been in LA for 4 generations, which is rare. I didn’t fully appreciate the incredible diversity within LA until I started cycling. The bicycle made me appreciate my city for a whole new reason. Growing up in LA, I saw a lot of people with Old English type tattoos representing their communities, so I knew that I wanted my name to stand out like that on the bike. I’m a founding member of the Rapha Cycling Club Los Angeles chapter, so I included the logo from RCCLA incorporating winged mountains for the City of Angels, as well as the the LA logo to celebrate my heritage. Finally, I put the “40” on the top tube because it’s my 40th birthday present from my wonderful family. I’m a middle aged cyclist and damn proud of it!

The Cub House – San Marino, CA

We’re proud to work with partners like The Cub House, who provide world-class service and a great experience for their customers time and time again. Thanks for keeping it fun. They can be a tricky bunch to describe really, but I think they say it best themselves…

“Cycling is serious enough already, so there is no need to cast ourselves in the same light. It’s ok to talk about watts per kilo, but it’s also good to talk about watts per cheeto (that’s how many watts you can hold while eating flaming hot cheetos). We also understand that performance based goals like Strava are relevant, but so is Pizza Strava #pizzastrava (how many King of the Pepperonis do you have?). We believe above all else that riding bikes is fun & more people should do it. Team Dream is a team for everyone. Now let’s get out there and chase some sunsets…” For more of that mentality, follow them here! (@itsnotabikeshop // @teamdreambicyclingteam)